A Brief Poetic Guide to Dragon Mythology

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Tell me of dragons those creatures of myth
Through lore and legend I ask you to sift
Spanning the cultures and races of Earth
Countless tales that have been given birth

Tell me of dragons uncommonly wise
The Eastern serpents those gods of the skies
Magical beings that fly without wings
The Chiao, Sui-Riu, the Mang and the Yings

Tell me of dragons remembered in Greece
Ancient hydras more intriguing than fleece
Their heads, tails, arms and legs joined other breeds
Woven through tales of heroic deeds

Tell me of dragons from medieval times
Where history recorded only their crimes
Clinging to treasure and ravaging towns
Eating young royals and hoarding their crowns

Tell me of dragons O bard of the realm
Carved on Longships at the prow and the helm
Present in legend throughout history true
Tell of me them that I might be one too

