Legends of Lore

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Recorded here is the Dragon's lore as was told to me by descendants of that particular breed. I have spent countless years working and slaving to try to get an accurate detail. I have succeeded in some aspects, and yet not in others. Though to be truly honest I may not ever know unless the gods themselves blessed me with time travel. Until that time comes then what you see before you is all I have.

Writer: David Itamae
Editing: Apollo Aridian


The Fae

It is believed from many of this clan that they are in part directly related to faeries of the woods. It is told in legend that when the dragon goddess came to the woods the beauty of the fairies light entranced her and she wanted the faeries to forever be close to her. It was then she ate of some of the elderly fairies that had been cleansed and formed within her the new breed.

The Fire

Said to be one of the original if not the first draconic breed. These are the hotheads of the clan and their fiery nature shows with a passion. The love of fire and volcanoes made people believe this clan to be evil. In the old tales man was always slaying the fiery beast, yet man was never more wrong. These fire wyrms are truly passionate loving creatures protecting and caring for anything they hold dear. The fire is merely the symbol of how strong these desires are and should never be taken lightly.


This breed was said to have a more humble and tragic origins. It was long believed by many that when the Dragon Goddess was flying in the air she happened to see two people in the middle of the sea as she swooped down to investigate it was said she could hear the words of the love and thankfulness of their lives together. As the Dragoness drew closer the sight of her majestic form scared the couple and released their spirits. As a result of their love and untimely demise she resurrected the couple and made them into dragons of the sea.


The breed of the kings, this clan of dragons believed their creature was based on a wish. That long ago a young prince wept out of his bedroom window. His father and mother were brutally slain and he was left alone. Since his mother and father were cruel to their subjects it was only a matter of time before he too was hunted. As he wept by the window the Dragoness appeared. Dressed in rags and covered with age she bid him to allow her a place to sleep. The prince unlike his parents was kind and allowed her to sleep in his bed while he and the princess stayed in a servant's hall. When the Dragoness heard the weeping she made him an offer that he may rule the skies with his bride. At this proposal he immediately agreed and soon became members of an undying and noble house.


The "Cold Scales": those who dwell in the regions sometimes uninhabitable by many. This clan was said to be the making of a glacier with which the Dragoness had dwelled for a time. That one day an icicle poked her and it had caused her to bleed. As the blood trickled down into the glacier it had formed a beautiful dragon. That as the glacier melted the dragon swept to the sky in all the glory of a wondrous winter snow. The dragoness seeing this used one more time her blood to form a mate to this dragon. In this they roamed together on the edges of the world venturing to every place where snow would fall. It is believed that they sometimes cause the first snow in the oddest of places.


The clan of the storm are very complex indeed. They are a very proud clan of dragons; their belief is one that goes like this: On a day like any other the Dragon goddess took to the air. She was flying high and fast when she came into a hurricane. The hurricane itself was fierce and mighty dangerous. It mingled with the goddess for best an hour. In this time that the wind whirled and the thunder crashed causing a great distortion. It was in the passing of the storm that two dragons with the power of thunder and rain came forth and helped the goddess to an island. She was very pleased by this and legend states that in every storm you will see a dragon aiding travellers if they just know where to look.

Anubis & Bast

While I put these two together they are in fact separate. These two clan breeds stem from more history than the rest and SHALL remain in their own works. These noble breeds are said to have started with a collaboration of gods. Pleased with the children of the Dragoness the gods Anubis and Bast approached her with a deal. It was said that at first the Dragoness refused however the gods tormented her and finally under the ideals that she would not be hounded by their presence created the dragons from the very sands in which they dwelled. In response to her gesture the gods put into the dragons their power of the sands and respective powers of scarabs and hieroglyphics. The likenesses of these two dragons are unmistakable and if one should cross their path and defile them the wrath of the gods are said to be without mercy.


While this breed may look minor in comparison to the size of the other dragons this clan was said to be the embodiment of the courage and will of the Dragoness. Its symbolic nature was said to have formed when the Dragoness was feeling lonely and troubled. It was told to me that the dragons had leapt from the body and swirled around her. The dragons may have no wings yet they can fly. It is said that like the nature from which their name was given that even in the smallest light when all else fails around you that the Spirit Dragons will come forth even in the smallest of cracks and give you the courage to be triumphant.


These dark creatures of the night are said to be the shards of Dragoness as she passed through some mystical woods that as her shadow crept across the trees they became stuck and formed smaller dragons. These dragons would later become feared for their love of darkness. However when approaching these mighty wyrms the opinion is quickly changed however for a much better cause indeed. Though they might live in the shadows they watch man and if you ever crossed a path that you believed was never there or a rope that you suddenly grasp might be that from a shadowy protector. So never forget to thank them in your darkest hour.


This dragon is by far the most confused and complex of all the dragon clans, for they are seen as different and wild. The clan members told me the story of their being. Said that one day a young fire dragon became confused. He was so disorientated that nothing seemed to help him in his time of need. It was then the Dragoness appeared and offered a solution. It was said she gave him two more heads that the ones on the left and right would plead the question and the middle would help decide the best course of action. It was said that the Hydra was like the dragon of justice unyielding in faith and conviction and that the wrath of the mighty wyrm was threefold of the others so beware before you tread.


Said to be the breed of the stars. That once on a clear night the Dragoness looked into the starry sky and gave out a loud cry. It was unknown what type of cry, if it was happy or sad. However what they do agree on is the fact that after the cry was heard the sky opened her mouth and revealed two dragons as they fell to the world like falling stars. The Dragoness was pleased and the heavens gave onto the dragons power of the stars that they may ride higher than any other and when called can unleash the power of the heavens onto the foe. It should also be noted that whenever you think you see a shooting star you might in fact be looking at a dragon playing in the skies.


This relatively new breed was said to come from another dragon clan. It was written somewhere about the torture of a dragon couple. That deep within a cave man found and defiled them. As they called out to their brethren the dragons were rushed to a medical facilty by the same men who defiled them. The men said to have done experiments on them giving them metal wings and limbs. As the couple came to they were no longer just dragons but the machanations of man. As they became angry they destroyed the lab and escaped. Living was hard for them for they were not accepted by their previous clan who called them abominations. The Dragoness bitterly sad over their torment offered them refuge and blessed them with descendents smilar in shape and structure and that they too would be a noble clan and be welcomed anywhere with dragon kind.


The clan of clans Elder among all breeds the masters of all. These are the words I get from these mighty wyrms. They are said to be the reformed dragons that have surpassed the knowledge and form of weaker dragon hosts. That this was to be closer to the Dragoness. They are the wisest of wyrms and high keepers of the land. They are dangerous and genteel. I often bow low when coming into contact with these wyrms for they are truly godlike in mind, body and soul. Take heed for mercy is granted for the just but do not in all your life anger a Tiamat for they are swift killers.


It is said that this clan was to be constructed of the perversions of weaker dragons said to be angry at the might of the Tiamat clan, said that they used sorcery and dark magic to gain an upper hand. There is also another story that these are the remains of dragons killed unjustly and are looking for salvation with their brethren though they may look evil they are not and should not be thought of as such for they would soon rather die again than to see man quiver in fear of a form they had no control over. I have yet to cross paths with a wyrm like this but it certainly must be noted when I do I will update this little piece.


Though not a true creation of the Dragoness, this powerful dragon is indirectly linked to her from her prodigy. As the Dragoness became tired from seeing and creating all her children a noble son appeared and consulted his great mother on an idea that all the dragons who have come and gone should not be forgotten but to be raised when ever they wanted to be not so lonely and to look over the world that they may do so. The idea was good and the magic was spent. The Bone Clan did rise up and when they saw their children were good feel back to sleep in long slumbers beneath the world we live in.


This dragon is not directly linked to the dragoness but again to her son. It is said the Cave Dragon is a dragon that has migrated to the deepest caves and continued it's evolution there. It is made entirely of mutable stone and also comes in snake skinl and scaled varieties. Some think the cave dragon is perpetually smiling because it spends so much time with it's hoard. Others, think it's smiling because it has some kind of secret hoard :).


The cousin to the dragon, Though not anyless mystical. The wyverns are the two legged counter parts to their four legged brethren. These creatures may lack breath weapons but more than make up for it with the terrible sting they carry in their tails. The venom is so powerful that even dragons often fear them. Along with the venomious tails the Wyverns are incredibly agile, and are often used used in combat by other races as steeds of flight. So recommedation beware a mad wyvern.


It is said this breed hails from the snow capped mountains far far above the world. They say the Dragoness saw a temple in honor of her and her Ice dragon clan that shwe swooped down and observed. As she purched upon the top she saw a priest being hunted by a pack of wild beast. Her thoughts thus created a being that was swift to act and struck down the attackers. The new wyvern then carried the injured priest back to the temple and flew away. Now as a way of rememberance the temple holds each year a contest in hopes that they too will see the wyvern in all its glory.


The only being to say I dont need water to survive the sand is enough for me. This clan believes they are the result of thoughts manifested during the time the gods Anubis and Bast were pestering the Dragoness. As she took flight she tried to elude them and hide in the sandy worldf below. As her feet touched the sand they became scortched. The blood fell far below into the pits of an underground cave. As the bood trickled it dried and began to form. The newly created wyverns found there way to the surface.As they shook the sand off their mighty wings the Dragoness found them and loved them. Only asking that if anyone be in need either on foot or mount to offer their services so they might understand the greatness that we all stumble fall and need help. Some of this breed discredit this for they believe they are not servants and rightly so. I have found no other account thus far to explain such things. So until I know this will stay in my tales until time comes and all is revealed.