Hatching Caves

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For Historical reference, this page is maintained on the wiki.

The Hatching Caves of Limbo on the Isle of Wyrms are a sacred and fabled place where dragons hoard their gold, silver and jewels, and where they lay their eggs. Few know of its location, fewer still make the treacherous journey and return to tell the tale. Many know of the caves through the journals of Daryth Kennedy and her unique perspective on the dragons.

The Hatching Caves of Limbo

Ancient glyphs scratched into the cavern walls and floor by razor sharp claws doubtless tell strange tales of dragon lore and history. Few human scholars can decipher the oldest, most worn of glyphs, but some bear a strange, eerie resemblance to Earthly script. Many scholars speculate on what they could mean:

  • Netherworld
  • Egyptian
  • Steel

Eggs adorn the cave, some dull as bird eggs, others of greater shininess than the piles of gold in which they sit. As the grandeur of the cave becomes less overwhelming, a pattern in the setting of the eggs begins to slowly emerge; they are clustered in groups of three around the glyphs.

One egg, a dull creamy colour shot through with brown streaks seems to flicker and glow as the light strikes it. Moving closer, compelled and unable to draw back, a light blazes for a brief moment and dies away and in the after-image a word hangs in the air:

  • Dracolich

Is this how the dragons communicate? Scanning fearfully around the cave the hot beat of adrenaline senses pounding with the fear of imminent discovery, racing for the cave mouth with the expectation of a hanging silhouette of doom vying for attention two final words present themselves for consideration:

  • Forest
  • Mech

Could these represent the dawn of several new species of dragon? Standing on the brink of the world high in the mountains of nowhere with the heartbeat thunder of razor-edged wings pounding louder overhead; places unfit for contemplating questions such as these.