Dragons of Pern Roles

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Bronze Dragon

Bronze Dragon

The Bronze Dragons are the Clan officers. They help run the show and act as peace keepers in the clan. If there is a situation or any need of them feel free to IM one. They are here to help you and act as leaders.

Brown Dragon

Brown Dragon

Brown Dragons are low level staff members in the clan They act as mentors and guides in the clan to help new players find their nitch. They assist riders and dragons to find partners for threadfall and events. To become a Bronze from a Brown is hard but not impossible. Browns should be good at their job and step up when needed into a leadership role. They have to show their knowledge and experience as well as the ability to handle people and manage situations.

Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon

Blue Dragons are the normal populous. They are there and they are knowledgeable about Pern and how the clan works. To become a Brown a Blue must show that he/she can handle the role of mentoring other dragons and riders.

Green Dragon

Green Dragon

Green Dragons are those who wish to join the clan but have no notion of the basis of the clan. They have not read any of the Pern books. In this case a Brown Dragon will help them learn about the clan and what we do and help them get situated while they read and or research the foundation of the clan. (the books) To become a Blue from a Green you must show knowledge and understanding of the clan as well as the world we have built the clan around. I would like for greens to have researched Pern or at least read one book.

Weyr Leader

Are human officer rank equivalent to bronzes.

Wing Leader

Are human mentor rank equivalent to Browns

Dragon Rider

This is the rank of most humans, equivalent to Blues.


Weyrlings are equivalent to greens in they have no real knowledge and understanding of Pern. They are mentored by a Wing Leader or Brown dragon to get their feet under them and learn how the clan and the world we built the clan around works.