Quick Rules

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Welcome to the Isle of Wyrms

At all times, these Isles are a haven for fun, creativity, and relaxation. Seek out a Dragon Guardian, Mentor or Guide if you'd like to join our community.

Some Quick Isle of Wyrms Rules:

  1. Daryth Kennedy, Guardians, Mentors, Guides, and the IoW Mayor are there to answer your questions and assist. If they are speaking to you, please listen to them.
  2. NO WEAPONS (decorative weapons are okay)
  3. No spamming with either text, particles, or sounds.
  4. No begging.
  5. Griefing will not be tolerated. We will ban troublemakers!
  6. No overtly lewd behavior or naughty "bits" visible. Keep it tasteful! The isle is meant for everyone, please help us keep it that way.
  7. Please do not litter. Pick up after yourself.
  8. No Self-Rezzing or CPU heavy scripts.
  9. No drama. Take it elsewhere. Above all no fighting.
  10. Respect others. Respect others! If someone asks you to stop, it is often better for all to do just that. (This may also include objects that some would find offensive in nature.)
  11. Use common sense. If you're not sure, then no, it's probably not okay.
  12. Have fun! We are a community of many residents and it would not be possible without friendly folks like you. The more the merrier, so bring your friends and enjoy.

The Full and Complete Rules are available by request from any IoW Guardian, Mentor or Guide.

We would like to remind everyone that the Isle of wyrms is a privately owned, privately controlled set of sims, and while we enjoy your company, you are still essentially a guest in our home. We pay a fair chunk of money each month to maintain this sim and we reserve the ability to control and enforce our investment as we set fit regardless of expectations, assumptions, and common misconceptions of what a sim's rating means.