The Worlds' End Inn

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Event Schedule

Regular Events

Time (SLT) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Noon-2pm DJ Hoshi
DJ Cobra
(Classic & Heavy Rock)
DJ Hoshi
DJ Cobra
(Classic & Heavy Rock)
DJ Hoshi
- -
2pm-4pm DJ Jacob
- DJ Jacob
DJ Jacob
DJ Jacob Lipponen
(Drum Circle weeks only)
DJ Jacob
DJ Jacob
4pm-6pm - DJ Ishtar
(Electronic Bliss)
- DJ Ishtar
(Electronic Bliss)
DJ Girrkil
(Rock, Pop, Dance & Oldies)
- -
6pm-8pm - - - - DJ Jacob
(Not Drum Circle weeks)
- -

Role-play Notes

Welcome to The Isle of Wyrms and The Worlds' End Inn

There is a place that is unlike any other place, not part of any world but accessible from all worlds, a realm outside of time and space. This place cannot be found on any map and has many names but it is most commonly known as The Isle of Wyrms. Dragons are born there and dragons even come to die there only to be reborn anew, but the Isle is not the preserve solely of dragons. Visitors from many worlds and many races come the Isle, stay for a while before before returning to their home worlds, some even grow into calling the Isle their home and never truly leave.

The nature of the Isle is such that the mightiest of gods from other realms have no more power than the humblest of servants. All are equal on the Isle, be they god or dragon, or servant or slave. The only power that exists on the Isle is that which the Isle bestows on selected residents, chosen to become Guardians or Elders and whose terrible burden and duty it is to ensure that the conflicts of other worlds do not affect the harmony of the Isle and that the Isle remains neutral in all disputes.

Travel Between Realms

The Isle of Wyrms, together with The Worlds' End Inn, is a nexus and people from very different worlds can meet, exchange fantastic tales of far away places and then, if they so choose return home in safety.

Travellers to the Isle can get there by a number of means. The mightiest of magics can open portals between worlds. Worm-holes in space and time can sometimes lead to the Isle. Some travel to the Isle only in their dreams or as the result of drug induced hallucinations. Sometimes it is just enough to turn right instead of left, to program the wrong address into a navigation console or transportation device, and many have gone mad after leaving the Isle by trying to find that lost turning or misskeyed address.

Visitors to the Isle of Wyrms

Visitors to the Isle are welcome to stay in character, even encouraged to do so, however the Isle of Wyrms is its own realm with its own laws and customs. The power and status you have in your own realm remains in your own realm. Respect the rules of the Isle of Wyrms and respect the people you meet here, or face the consequences of swift action on the part of the Guardians and Elder Guardians of the Isle.

The Out-Of-Character Version

The Isle of Wyrms welcomes multi-genre and cross-genre character based role-play. Combat role-play is not allowed (except for officially sanctioned, planed out, role-play events). You are welcome to retain your role-play character persona from elsewhere in SL and it's up to you how you role-play travelling to the Isle. However, once on the Isle you may meet people with conflicting role-play genres, please look upon this as a challenge, how to play a stranger in an alien land and perhaps use it as an opportunity to learn a little about what goes on elsewhere in SL. If it helps your character can always view their time on the Isle as nothing more than a strange dream.

Regarding the conflict of powers. There is always the risk in multi-genre and cross-genre role-play of conflicting story-lines and the use of power (weapons, magic, innate abilities, etc), The role-play framework of the Isle is that it is neutral territory, outside of the physical/magic laws of any other realm, weapons and mighty magics just simply fail to work (except for officially sanctioned, planed out, role-play events). Always respect the role-play of others and respect the right of the sim owners, their estate managers and other appointed officials to oversee activities on the Isle and their right to deal with trouble according to their agreed codes of official conduct.

Some Quick Rules for the Worlds' End Inn parcel

  1. Helena Lycia, Cobra (Linda Ingersoll), D (Daryth Kennedy), Guardians, and Liaisons, listen to them!
  2. NO WEAPONS (decorative weapons are okay)
  3. No spamming with either text, particles, or sounds. No Begging. Especially no sound spam when DJs or live acts are performing.
  4. Griefing will not be tolerated. We will kick and/or ban troublemakers!
  5. Moderate nudity and mild sexual role-play is allowed within the confines of the Worlds' End Inn parcel. Remember! The sim is MODERATE!
  6. Please do not litter. Pick up after yourself.
  7. No Self-Rezzing or CPU heavy scripts.
  8. No drama. Take it elsewhere. Above all no fighting.
  9. Respect others. If someone asks you to stop, it is often better for all to do just that.
  10. Use common sense. If you're not sure, then no, it's probably not okay.
  11. Have fun!