Bailey Poem 1

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Written and as told by Rails Bailey

I found out about Sl on the ABC
It sounded like the place I wanted to be
Downloaded the software ready to begin
warmed up the PC and jumped right in

A mystical Journey to god knows where
Twists and Turns to here and there
Advice willing given When others I asked
Mistakes I made as I travelled the paths

Now It is I who ocassionally help the new
teach others the things I have learned from you
Put back into SL to make it a better place
for all god's creatures and the human race

Ryu, I have not had the time to do any real writing for many reasons.

The about was thrown together in a little haste, so is somewhat rough around the edges.

Use it as you will, or if I can make the next one, I will recite it myself.

Thanks for a wonderful story telling.

