Drawn to Dragons

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Drawn to Dragons, by Ryu Darragh

What is it about dragons that attracts us so? Is it the power, the wisdom, or the wings on backs that grow? Why do we ponder their scaled beauty, their shape, their glow?

Do we wish we could become one, or befriend them? Do we wish to become one, to roar and flame, a spectacle, a show? I don't know.

Someday, we'll be able to shape them from our selves, or grow them in some other way. Creatures of the skies, the rivers, full of grace. When that day comes, to that destiny I will race.

For being a dragon for me is less about their existance, than in who I am, who i will be. There is a dragon inside my heart, and I wish to set it free. If not for it's own sake, then because it is me!