Letters of a Season

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Written by David Itamae as told by Ryu Darragh

It was family show and tell week at a local school. The crowd gathered and filled up the auditorium. Parents and teachers alike were eagerly awaiting each child's presentation.They were supposed to bring something that meant a lot to them and their family. The lights went out and so a spotlight hit the stage.

One by one students began to make their way to the front of the podium. Each bringing with him or her some very unique trinkets. While others brought favorite toys or stuffed animals. One class would go then another. Then an older kid makes his way to the stage.

Nervously he looks around the room trying to find the courage to speak. After abut a minute of silence he puts the microphone to his lips. He pulls out a few sheets of paper. Unfolding the contents he begins to read softly ands slowly. Getting the right amount of sound to make sure everyone heard him.

"What I brought to show and tell is: Letters of the Seasons. I had been read this with my dad when I was about four years old. He passed away this passed year. Now once a week my mommy reads to me the story. She said its a great way to remember my daddy"

Dear Sis

Spring has finally arrived. The excitement I feel is nothing less than extraordinary. The ice has melted away and the clouds are finally clearing up. The cold air has seen its last days and are met with more refreshing winds. Tis going to be a good year.

My wife and I are about ready to have our first child. Can you believe it me a father. Wow the feeling is so wonderful I can hardly contain it. Nothing like a new lease on life at spring time. Even the birds are singing their praises.

Speaking of animals they all came out to welcome us. Like a gathering of some of the best the forest have to offer. I offered a deer some jerky. It looked at me and turned its head. Must have been telling me something. Heck I'M glad I like my jerky from cows. Deer remind me so much of Bambi. Oh well I'll write again when I have some more time. Keep the letters coming.

Dear Mom

Cant believe summer is finally hear. The days will be hot for sure. I don't miss the many rains of the spring. I hate getting too wet myself. The beaches here are so filled with people. I am kind of nervous about wearing my swimming trunks. You always said I have the boniest legs in the house.

Mom I am not used to being away from home. My first adventure out away from you and Joe and Karen. Its really hard being away for the first time. I eagerly await your advice. Some comfort in knowing that you've already been through this is pleasant to me.

Also I finally got my first job. After college was tough but this will be worth it. The boss is really hard on me about deadlines and stuff. Its kind of nerve racking the words people say to one another. Im glad I was brought up at home with you mom. I love you write back soon. O.K.?

Dear Mom

Wow summer was awesome this year. The sun was bright and hot. However now the leaves are falling everywhere. I always loved the bright colors as they littered the ground. I just hate raking it all up. The winds are a bit chillier but we have light coats for that. Fun to watch the cold air with a bit of rain that comes with it.

Well good thing about rain it don't get in my office. Yes after so long the boss finally made me a boss. Can you believe it? I actually have people working under me. The days are long over of the fresh out of college days. I think my hair is thinning. Must be due to stress and High blood pressure.

Speaking of stress my wife are taking the kiddos out for trick our treating. AS old as they are and still getting candy. The nerve of some people. Pray for hard rain mom so they don't go otherwise I'll be sifting through all the junk looking for needles and poisons. My eyes are not as good as they used to be. Oh yes you coming for Thanksgiving? We have a seat for you if you do.
Love you always.

Dear Grandma

The fall has came and went. The slight chills have now turned to bitter ones. I was so glad to see you at the holiday meal. It was so nice to see the family together. I really missed all of you. The leaves are all gone now covered in snow. I just sit out my window staring at the mounds of leaves covered by white powder.

I really miss dad. The last days were so peaceful that even the preacher said there was no better way to go. We buried him beneath the old oak tree he loved so much. It was so unexpected. The high blood pressure must have did him in. I miss him so much grandma. We both cried so hard at his funeral.

The weirdest thing grandma is that even the trees seem sad. The ground when you look is like a blanket in some parts. I see a field with no foot prints at all. Then as I gaze I always seem to see dad waving at me like hes looking over me. It feels erie at times but mostly I feel good that I'M protected and I make my way home. I cant wait for spring grandma thats when the wedding will happen. You'll be there wont you grandma?
With love always and forever your Grandson.

The little boy finished his letter and folded it and put it back in his pocket. With a silenced crowd the little boy walked off stage joining the rest of his classmates he sat down waiting on the next person to speak.