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A [[Second Life]] sim that is part of the [[Dragon Isles]].
A [[Second Life]] sim that is part of the [[Dragon Isles]].

Revision as of 11:46, 2 June 2008

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A Second Life sim that is part of the Dragon Isles.




Imaldris is a residential Second Life SIM designed around a Middle-earth Elven theme. In J.R.R. Tolkien's writings Imladris (more commonly known as Rivendell) was an Elven refuge where travelers could find rest and counsel in a setting of peace and beauty. With apartments and caverns available for rent, Imladris could become your very own peaceful refuge within Second Life.


Location, location, location. Imladris and its sister island Eldamar have been carefully landscaped to Tolkienesque sensibilities, making them places of great natural beauty and peace. In addition, as of this autumn 2007 Imladris and Eldamar will be joining the Dragon Isles and becoming part of the greater Dragon Isles/Elf Circle Continent, providing residents with easy access to all the amenities those places have to offer.

Within Imladris itself there are opportunities for boating, horseback riding, and hiking. The Key West Gardens offers a tropical getaway, or you can gaze at the rainbows dancing in the spray of the waterfalls of Cirith Ninniach. The Last Homely House and famed Library of Elrond are open to all. Gatherings, both large and small, can be held in Rivendell’s great Hall of Fire.

Our rental rates are relatively low compared to other fantasy-themed sims because we’re looking for the right people (or creatures) to live here, not just the wealthiest. Residents who truly make Imladris their home will have opportunities to see their residential privileges increase as the island owner sees fit, whether it be through increased prim allowances, greater participation in the guardianship of the island, or the like. The converse is true as well; if you are not a good resident or cause trouble, your lease may be allowed to expire without option to renew, terminated early, or, in the worst case, you could get yourself banned. All such decisions are solely the province of the island owner, whose decision in these matters is final.

There are two very different residential areas on Imladris, depending on your needs:


Carved out of the landscape of the island itself, Cliffside Caverns offers a unique setting and living situation. Designed with full-sized dragons in mind, each cavern is roughly 30 meters deep, 25 meters wide, and 10 meters high for 750 square meters of living space. Inside the caverns have been finished with rich sandstone cave textures and divided into a large front room and smaller back room (modifications can be made on request). Walls made of the land (as opposed to prim walls) provide a greater degree of privacy. Doors are lockable. I have provided a picture of me in my full-sized dragon av in one of the caverns; as you can see, it’s quite roomy. Perfect for a dragon’s den or an Elvenking’s underground halls.

Rates: $L 500 per week
Prim Allowance: 200


Rising like a giant seashell out of the ocean, the Tower of Pearl is a beautiful castle set on its own prim island in the waters just offshore of Imladris. Each apartment occupies its own floor of the castle, accessed by an elevator and an aerial bridge. Living space varies depending on how high up the tapering tower you are, but is anywhere from about 60 to 100 square meters, with 5 meters of vertical height. Walls are textured with windows on the inside only for privacy; doors are lockable. Each apartment has its own balcony and several rooms with curving walls and an open floor plan awaiting your finishing touches. There is abundant common space in the tower: the basement, first floor, second floor mezzanine and ninth floor observatory are all shared space. Truly a unique residence without peer.

Rates: $L 250 per week
Prim Allowance: 100

About the tower elevator: - To operate the elevator, simply sit on the stool and say the number of the floor you want to go to in chat. The floors are “base” for the basement, “1” for the main floor, “2” for the mezzanine level,” then “3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8” for the apartment levels, and “9” for the observatory at the top. - To call the elevator, simply say the number of the floor you’re on, and it will come to you. NOTA BENE: Because the tower is so tall, you may have to shout to the elevator to call it if the elevator is several floors above or below your present location.


It’s simple. Vacant apartments will have a rental box outside of them advertising their availability (on the landings at Cliffside Caverns, on the balconies at the Tower of Pearl). Simply pay the box for the number of weeks you wish to rent (minimum of 4, maximum of 10). Next, do a search for the group The Golden Wood and join it – this will give you permission to start rezzing things on the island. That’s it! When the term of your rent is nearing its end, you’ll get an IM from the rental box prompting you to renew. Sorry, no refunds will be issued if you leave your dwelling before you lease is expired.


“Live and let live.” That is the covenant; what follows is commentary:

This is a rental residential sim. We are not selling land here, but as a resident you’ll have building and access privileges that non-residents do not have. Commercial activity is not allowed on Imladris; however shop space is available for rent on neighboring Eldamar and Eragon.

To keep Imladris the quiet, peaceful retreat it was designed to be, we ask that you respect your neighbors and keep to a minimum any activity that could impact them (loud noises or music, wide-ranging particle effects, etc). Respect the space and privacy of others; do not go into another’s residence unless you have been invited. In keeping with the high fantasy tradition, high tech stuff is not permitted in public, and only non-motorized vehicles are allowed.

This is a PG sim – what you do behind the closed doors of your home or say via IM is your own business, but please keep public areas and the chat lines free of non-PG rated material. Slavery is not permitted anywhere in Eldamar or Imladris

Please do not leave a lot of prims lying around the public areas of the island (littering); these will be returned to you as they are found.

The sandbox is for residents only. Non-resident items will be returned. Projects-in-progress may be left rezzed in the sandbox, but for the sake of prim conservation please don’t leave them there for longer than 3 days without checking with Jesmaine first.

Security devices are fine so long as they do not cause a lot of lag, impinge on the living space of your neighbors, or block public ways. Security concerns may be addressed to Jesmaine or, in an emergency, to any of the Guardians listed as Estate Managers via IM.

Guests are permitted but the resident is ultimately responsible for the actions of their guests – if a guest does something bad enough to get banned, the resident will be banned as well and their lease terminated without refunds. Guests’ prims will count against the prim allowance of the resident. Please provide Jesmaine with the names of frequent guests.

You may wear weapons decoratively here, but you may NOT use them combatively. There are plenty of places in SL for virtual warfare, but this is not one of them. Pushing and griefing are VERBOTEN. Do these things, and you will be banned. Begging and pestering will also be looking upon unfavorably and may result in your being tossed out of Imladris on your ear.

By renting from us you agree to follow all the rules as stated above, as well as those of the islands of Eldamar and Imladris, and will be sure that your guests follow them as well.


If you have any questions or concerns, or have queries about renting one of the caverns or an apartment in the Tower of Pearl, please IM Jesmaine Tzara in-world, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Enjoy your stay in Imladris! --jes