Limbo Sandbox (IoW)

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Revision as of 10:57, 9 September 2007 by Babo (Talk | contribs)

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Isle of Wyrms Sandbox as of 3rd Quarter 2007

The Sandbox on the Isle of Wyrms follows the traditional convention for sandboxes in Second Life; places for residents to build and test effects.

EnDrac Revise.png

This article has been flagged for content revision.
Information contained in this article has either been depreciated due to administrative policy changes or is out-of-date following sim expansion and building works.

It will be revised in due course and this tag removed.

Finding the Sandbox

The sandbox is located to the south of the Isle of Wyrms' teleport hub and can be found by looking for the sign pictured on the above right. An easy way to get your bearings after teleporting to Limbo is to face the "Stargate" teleporter and then do a complete 180 and you will be facing south.

Rules for All

Please remember that the sandbox is provided as a courtesy to residents and should be respected as a privileged resource. There are rules governing the usage of and behaviour in the sandbox. Please take a moment to read them:

The Sandbox Field

Here is a photo of the sandbox:

Isle of Wyrms Sandbox