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This article has been flagged as Depreciated.
Information contained in this article is depreciated due to administrative policy changes or changes within the Dragon Isles itself.

For Historical reference, this page is maintained on the wiki.

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A Second Life sim that is part of the Dragon Isles.




Eldamar is a Second Life SIM designed around a Middle-earth Elven theme. In J.R.R. Tolkien's writings, Eldamar, or Elvenhome, was the realm of the Elves in the Ancient West, a place of healing and beauty where Time passed more slowly and nothing decayed or grew old.

Besides being the home of Elvenhome Designs, this island seeks to gather and display the most beautiful things in Second Life for the enjoyment of all.


Meep stations are located at several points of interest around Eldamar. To use them, simply right-click on the one that lists the destination you want to visit and select "Meep!" from the menu wheel. You will be gently wafted to your destination - a nice option for when SL is hiccupping and teleporting is down.


- This SIM is rated PG, and we would appreciate our visitors conducting themselves accordingly in regards to their language (keep it clean), behavior (keep it aboveboard) and appearance (keep your clothes on).

- You may wear weapons decoratively here, but you may NOT use them combatively. There are plenty of places in SL for virtual warfare, but this is not one of them.

- Pushing and griefing are VERBOTEN. Do these things, and you will be banned. Begging and pestering will also be looking upon unfavorably.


If you have any questions or concerns, please IM Jesmaine Tzara in-world.

Enjoy your time in Eldamar! -jes