New Species (January 2007 Speculation)

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Information contained in this article is depreciated due to administrative policy changes or changes within the Dragon Isles itself.

For Historical reference, this page is maintained on the wiki.

When wandering around the Dragon Isles there are places that give subtle hints as to the future of dragon-kind and there are helpful people eager to answer questions to the best of their knowledge. What follows here then is a fun exercise in guesswork about the future of the dragons and should not be taken as any kind of "official" announcement. All of these articles are collected together on the New Species Speculation page.


December in Review

The festive holiday season on the Dragon Isles proved to be as exciting and engaging as everybody expected, with plenty of well-organised events running and some wonderful attention to detail, such as the festive tree and lights adorning one of the tower blocks in the primarily residential sim of Lethe.

Adults Hatched

The Winter Solstice Release Event occurred on schedule, although the noon hatching was marred by some untimely Second Life database issues. Fortunately for the prospective new dragons there was a backup/alternative system in place, which meant that many of people in attendance were able to become an adult dragon despite the hiccup. The midnight release faired better and many SL residents were welcomed into the dragon fold.

W is for Wyvern in January

During the winter hatching as everybody endured the countdown to noon, several people raised questions about future Isles projects. With Daryth herself on hand to orchestrate the hatching, we were lucky enough to see a small glimpse into the immediate future:

"There is a lottery system in the works and it will hopefully be introduced soon after the new year with the new Wyvern breed, which will have a different breeding pattern (release schedule) than dragons, and a lottery-styled hatching... the details are being decided, info will be sent out in announcements around January 1st. The lottery won't replace the dragon hatchings in any way, nor will dragon eggs be available then, just wyverns." -- Daryth Kennedy

All things being equal then, we should be seeing an announcement soon.

Cathedral Progresses

Work continues on the new sim and judging from the overhead map snapshot it seems like this addition to the Isles will be the most impressive yet. Will we see the sim open to the public during January? Only time will tell, naturally.